Unwanted Medications
Cleaning out a closet or a medicine cabinet? Schedule your visit with us on our home page so that we know to expect you!
We accept all medicines except controlled substances or narcotics in pill or liquid form. You may bring them in their original containers or in other sealed containers. We accept electronic medical devices, but please remove all vinyl or cloth accessories and plastic tubing/other plastic accessories before dropping them off.
Pills, Liquids & Devices
- Over-the-counter medicines such as pain relievers or vitamins
- Old prescriptions
- Small individual medical devices (without cloth accessories or tubing)
- Mercury thermometers
- Take all needles to the Marshall County Health Department at 510 W. Adams Street, Plymouth. They are located in the Community Resource Center on the ground floor. Because of the risk of puncture, sharps must be disposed of in a medical waste box.
PLEASE: NO NARCOTICS. These must be taken to the Marshall County Jail’s drop site just inside the front doors.